Rawlite OLPF for Blackmagic Studio Camera 4K Plus/Pro


Rawlite OLPF for Blackmagic Studio Camera 4K Plus/Pro

+ Moiré filtration + IR-cut
+ Compatible with all Speedboosters for Blackmagic Studio Camera 4K Plus/Pro
+ Shim, tools and video for installation included

Aliasing and moiré are common issues with digital imaging. To prevent it from occurring most digital cinema camera’s (including the Arri Alexa) have a built in Optical Low Pass Filter (OLPF).

The original IR absorption filter of the Blackmagic Studio Camera 4K Plus/Pro does not have an OLPF.

Blackmagic made it easy to change the filter of the Blackmagic Studio Camera 4K Plus/Pro. Two parts on top of the original drop-in filter have to be loosened to get access. The second step is to lift out the original filter and push in the Rawlite OLPF. There’s a rubber ring embedded in the side of the filter assembly. When the filter is pushed in place, the rubber ring automatically seals it.

This Rawlite OLPF is specifically designed for the Blackmagic Studio Camera 4K Plus/Pro, preventing moiré while preserving detail. A hot mirror coating is added to cut Infra Red. An anti reflective coating prevents unwanted reflections. No more moiré, no more IR contamination.

The Rawlite OLPF is thicker than the original filter. Consequently a shim is needed to correct back focus. The shim is included in the kit, as well as tools needed for installation. The increment in thickness of the OLPF is directed towards the sensor, to keep the distance between lens and OLPF the same as with the original filter. This makes it possible to use all lenses and adapters that work with the original filter.

Weight 0,3 g
Dimensions 30 × 21 × 5 cm
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